Sussex ci OFFICERS

  • Unfilled                           Advisory Council Chairperson
  • Tom Galgano                  Vice Chair    
  • Unfilled                           Outreach and Recruiting
  • Unfilled                           Secretary
  • Jim Emanuel                   Donor Coordinator
  • Gary Legates                  Treasurer
  • Dean Perdue                  Spiritual Director
  • Steve Dadonna               Institutional Liaison  
  • Data Coordinator           Rob Lawrence                                                            


sussex ac

Sussex Correctional Institution [SCI]  

23207 Dupont Blvd, Georgetown, DE

Each institution has its own Advisory Council and is the guiding body for the programs run

at that institution, taking their guidance from the state chapter committee.


 “The judge gave me a life sentence; Jesus gave me a life contract.” 

 “I was a Satanist and Arian Nation leader in this prison up until I accepted Jesus as my Savior. This Kairos weekend has moved me to love people and to proclaim Jesus to other inmates.” 

 “I made a mess of my life and ended up in prison. My family abandoned me and society had written me off. I was worthless, and I felt that way. Life had lost all meaning for me. I was like a balloon with nothing inside. But these Kairos volunteers fed me with the Word of God, and now I hunger after Him. I will be forever grateful to Kairos for showing me that the way to freedom is through the cross of Christ.” 

 “I felt the presence of the Holy Spirit. I felt like Paul felt. And from that day forward, God has just been blessing my life.” 

 "I gave myself to the Lord two days ago. This is amazing. I was in tears. I've been in prison 13 and a half years. I am scheduled to be out in four months. I'm scared; I don't know what's out there for me, but as long as I keep walking with God, I'll be all right." 

 “What I learned at Kairos is that God doesn’t hate me, He just hates my sins; the volunteers taught me that He is a forgiving God—–no matter what.” 

 “Kairos gave me a reason to live. I believe that, had I not come to know God’s love, I probably would not be here today. How else could a person with two life sentences survive the horrors of prison life? All things are possible with God. Without Him, many of us don’t make it. It was because of Kairos that I got to know God, and ultimately, I was given the chance to live.” 

 "I lost contact with my family outside of here. I've been doing my time alone; now I have a community," 


“I answered the call of Kairos because I want to share the hope of eternal life with men who have very little hope“ - Mike

“To be a part of a worldwide fellowship inside and outside the walls. To be a small candle in a dark place and to fulfill my destiny of my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.” - Shawn

 “In our society, we mediate… our problems. Kairos deals with the problem, our heart.”  

- Sam

“In my small way, I’m giving back to Jesus for all that He gave to me.” - John

“Being immersed for a weekend with men who have a yearning for the peace and comfort that comes with establishing a stronger relationship with Our Lord is an awesome experience and I am sure it will meet my highest expectations!” - Rick

“To be obedient to the Holy Spirit… .” - Phil

 “…Being able to serve the Lord and touch the lives of men living in prison was awesome. …I have developed powerful Christian bonding with both residents and team members.” - Bill

“There is no greater joy than to hear the testimonies of these men when they are touched by the miracle of God’s love and forgiveness, some of whom have had no visitors or mail for many years.” - Marie

“There is no better way, nor more exciting way, to see the POWER of Jesus to TRANSFORM lives and see He is the same yesterday, today & forever! It is just too marvelous for words to see their new life. To hear their testimonies at the end of the weekend leaves me in awe!” - Jutta

“I serve on Kariros because I was asked to do so and a listening pastoral ear is needed to help these weekends accomplish all they can in persons' lives including teams' and my own. As a pastor, it gets me out of the insulated world of the church and into the real world of hurt and need where God is also at work. I go as an example to my parishioners in hopes they will join me. What I get out of it? My heart is filled with indescribable joy to connect with tough yet vulnerable brothers and see God transform hearts and lives before my very eyes. Amazing. I leave church for a weekend and experience heaven on earth in prison.” - Pastor Dave