
"I can never repay Kairos for what it has done for me. I came to the Kairos weekend filled with hate, anger and deceit. I only came because I heard that there would be good food, but I didn’t want anybody in my face about God. But as I began to hear these men talk about how God loved me so much that he sent Jesus, His own son to die in my place so that I would be free, something started to happen to me. I began to experience a kind of love that I had never seen or felt before. I now understand that it was the love of God, offered to me by His people."

"I made a mess of my life and ended up in prison. My family abandoned me and society had written me off. I was worthless, and I felt that way. Life had lost all meaning for me – I was like a balloon with nothing inside. But these Kairos men fed me with the Word of God, and now I hunger after Him." 

"I will be forever grateful to Kairos for showing me that the way to freedom is through the cross of Christ."  
                                                                                            -  A Kairos Inmate Testimony